Nic Mitham

Nic MithamNic Mitham is an experienced client and agency side strategic marketer. Nic worked in the telecoms sector from 1995 - 2001 then in senior/owner roles in advertising agencies. Recognising the future role of virtual worlds, Nic founded K Zero a metaverse consulting and implementation company in 2006.
K Zero is a world-leading authority of virtual world marketing strategies.

Abstract intervento: The Seven Point Plan for marketing in Second Life.

Second Life is not a golden bullet to solve all the marketing challenges facing marketers. Instead, it is an emerging, exciting platform facilitating engaging interactive brand communications. It is of note to point out that although Second Life is the headline virtual world of the moment and will continue to grow in popularity, it may not be the leading virtual environment in the medium term.
However, the concept of metaverses - virtual environments is here to stay and is the way the Internet will evolve.
Brands who are already in or about to enter are doing so to discover new ways of communicating and experimenting with how best to deploy their brands - whilst enjoying significant coverage whilst doing so.

Intervento Nic Mitham

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  • Sponsor

    • Second Key
    • TOP-IX
    • Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park
    • WI-PIE